Three articles that anyone and everyone in and interested in higher education should be required to read.
“Several Short Sentences About Writing”
Article by Maria Popova
This summary of the book (by the same title as the article) by Verlyn Klinkenbourg demonstrates an interesting perspective on writing and storytelling that anyone in or out of a writing-oriented program can appreciate.
“Why is Academic Writing So Academic?”
Posted by Joshua Rothman
An extremely interesting analysis and perspective on reasons why academic writing differs distinctly from journalistic writing, and why it’s often hard for journalists to understand that. The post also has a link to an equally interesting and controversial article titled “Professors, We need You!” by Nicholas Kristof which appeared in The New York Times.
“Keep the ‘Research,’ Ditch the ‘Paper’”
By Marc Bousquet
An article on why professors should still teach their students how to do research, but not to have students write papers about that research unless there is truly something there to contribute.
Extra credit reading:
“The Dark Power of Fraternities”
By Caitlin Flanagan
This is an incredibly detailed and well-researched piece about the dangers of college fraternities. The statistics and the incredible examples are more than worthy to make this long commentary a must-read.
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